With All
Reflect on Deuteronomy 6:4-5
"Listen Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength."
Have you ever looked at something and have it take your breath away because you just loved it so much. Maybe it's your puppy, or your husband or your child. Maybe it was the day your first nephew or niece was born. Maybe it was the day you said an earthly goodbye to your mom or your Grandaddy. You just looked on that person, place or thing and you just knew you were overcome with love and feelings. Friends, what would our daily lives looked like, feel like and sound like if we lived out life loving the Lord with all our heart, soul and strength? Loving him so much that it took our breath away! Maybe some of us have the heart part down, but are missing the soul and strength or vice versa. There are ways we can do this better, always. First, spending time with the Lord in his word, in worship, in prayer. That's the best way to show love right, time together, to know each other better. Then, live it out. Walk out this heart, soul and strength in the everyday pieces of our lives. Maybe we take it down piece by piece. First it's our marriage, then it's our kids, then it's the hard person to love, then it's the grocery store clerk. Loving the Lord our God with everything means also giving his love away to everyone. Girl, he sees you he loves you he pursues you, it's time to allow him to do all those things and more. I can't imagine how much our worlds will changed when we focus our lives on loving God and allowing him to love us back this way! I'm excited!!!!
- This week, what's one action you can take to actively love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength
- Memorize this verse, you can do it! Because in the verses that follow this section God challenges us to know his word! (don't take my word for it, read it for yourself, I dare you!)