When We Gather Around God's Word

Somewhere on my journey in the last two years God opened my eyes to something I was missing out on. I was listening to Beth Moore talk in Christy Nockels podcast and she said something that would forever change me. She said something to the tune of, "if you feel called to teach from a platform you darn well better be teaching people in your own home and local church. You cannot have one without the other." Oh how that changed the course of my life.What my beloved Beth's words did was spur me on to do a brave thing. Ask women, personally and individually, to trust me with their hearts week by week. So last year a handful of very brave women gathered around my 8 foot farmhouse table in the middle of nowhere Missouri to pursue God together. We didn't know what it would be like. We didn't know if we could trust each other with the depths of our hearts. But an incredible thing happens when you gather around God's word together, a ripple of change moves your community to greater heights and depths than you could have ever imagined.As we have done book studies together and studied books of the Bible together we have seen some movements that we could have never imagined before. A movement that could only have come from God.God has changed our hearts to beat to his rhythmGod has deepened our relationships from surface friends and strangers to a sisterhood. (We pretty much talk everyday via text!)God has challenged us to see things in his word that we may have otherwise missed.God has called us out and challenged us more than I think any of us were prepared for.God has shown us his love through each other. We pray for each other. We cry with each other. We challenge each other to step out in faith. All of that equates to LOVE WINS!God has given us laughter and joy like you would never expect from a weekly Bible study.God has taught us to expect the unexpectedGod has brought us into a love relationship with the Lord. We are falling head over heels for the word of God and the love of our souls who penned it.I have seen these sweet women go from uncertain about studying God's word to fierce lionesses for the Kingdom of God. They are doing hard and holy things in there homes, work places and community. God has turned our worlds upside down for his gospel. And one of the sweetest things he is doing for us is growing our numbers. Each study bring new faces to the table. We went from a handful of ladies to ten brave women. What a gift that's been. We now all have nine sisters in Christ championing for us, challenging us and praying for us. We are a tribe functioning solely under the banner of the word of God.

Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with joyful and sincere hears, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. Acts 2:46-47

And what did it take? Just a few women. Fumbling through an awkward first few weeks to begin a journey that has changed our lives. When women gather together around God's word the most amazing thing happens, revival.Bring revival to your life. Get in the word of God with a group of women. I know, it feels impossible. I know that it may mean a few weeks of awkward, sacrificing time, being brave and being bold but if I know anything to be true about God stuff it's this;

If it's harder than hell, it's heaven-handed.

Meaning, everything of the kingdom is usually hard but always worth it. God wants to challenge you to step out in faith and satan So how do you do it? First off, get off of this screen and around a table. Pray for God to lead this in your life. Rally some Jesus women of all ages and stages. If you can lead, lead. If you don't lead, but can host, host. If you can't do either of those, attend. Find a group of women who are thirsty for the word of God and go forth. God will meet you there, turn your life upside down and focus your eyes on eternity. Revival will happen, I guarantee it, and it will be all the good things.These are my people. We always eat dinner together, our Bibles are always out. Sometimes there's wine, usually there's QT drinks. There's always dessert and always laughter. (PS- we don't always wear the party hats, but we celebrate each other well!)I'm praying you will find your mini revival gathering around big tables filled with good word, good people and good laughs. 


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