The Challenge Series: Proclaim It

Written By: Christy BrittonI know what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be a proclaimer of his excellencies. I should confess that I turned forty this year and adult it like a boss. But some days I still feel twentyish and wonder how my face got these wrinkles and how I developed the ability to predict the rain coming by my knee pain. My super power of accurately predicting the weather is also known as arthritis in some circles. But as I study the scriptures today, wrinkles and all, 1 Peter 2:9 is alive on the page.

 “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, THAT YOU MAY PROCLAIM THE EXCELLENCIES OF HIM who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

I don’t have to wait to be what I want to be, what God wants me to be. He’s called me and he’s called you to be a proclaimer now.One of the reasons that God, in his great mercy, saved me was so that I could speak of his goodness.  In response to this truth, I am examining my life, my actions, thoughts, words, etc. What do I view as excellent? What do I proclaim? I look to what I value and talk about for the answers. The way I spend my money shows me what I think is excellent. What do I get passionate about when chatting up my friends? Here’s the thing, if we think something is valuable, we tell others about it, right? When I find that recipe that slays the other recipes because it’s tasty and healthy and, bless it, easy, I tell all my people about it because I want their world to be blessed by the world’s greatest lasagna. When my football team dominates the competition, you will find me high fiving my people while wearing my team shirt. Why? Because I think these things are worthy. They are worthy of my time and my dollars and my words.We proclaim what we love. I fear I have spent much of my time proclaiming things that are mere shadows of true excellency. Father, forgive me. Forgive us all. Open our eyes to see your excellencies. Give us voices that speak them loudly.This world is broken, hurting, and needs good news. We are to be the heralds of that news. It is our job and our privilege to proclaim his mercies. Orphans need to hear of their father who will never abandon them. Widows need to hear of their provider who protects them. Dads need to hear of their father who gives wisdom on how to lead families. Moms need to hear of the God who sees them. Teenagers need to hear of the lover of their souls who delights in them. Rebels need to hear of the God who conforms them to Christ. Prisoners need to hear of the one who frees them. Prodigals need to hear of the father who welcomes them. Singles need to hear of the God who pursues them. Outcasts need to hear of the one who invites them to the banquet.We are a chosen race, set apart for his purposes. His purposes involve reconciling the world to himself through Christ (2 Cor. 5:19). Let’s proclaim the excellencies of the one who reconciled us, who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. Let’s announce to the nations and to our neighbor next door that our God saves to the uttermost all who call to him (Heb. 7:25). Let’s testify about the one who, “even when we were dead in our sins, made us alive together with Christ (Eph. 2:5).” The world is waiting for us to tell them what’s so excellent about Christ. The great reformer, Martin Luther, said, “We are all mere beggars showing other beggars where to find bread.” The world needs to see what we’ve got and who gave it to us. Let’s give it to them. We can give them the bread of life. Why settle for just giving them great lasagna?Proclaim It:

  1. Spend time dwelling on the excellencies of Christ. Linger long here. This is time well spent. Ask God to reveal them to you if you're having trouble with this.
  2. Think about what you discuss most with your family and friends. Pray for wisdom about how to direct your conversations to topics that are eternally significant. Then, do it!
  3. Recognize the grace God has shown to you. In response, resolve to show grace to others.

Do It:

  1. As you read scripture, develop the discipline to ask yourself if you are doing what you're reading. Examine yourself. If you're heavy on the reading and light on the doing; repent. Then ask your father for the grace to obey.
  2. Obey when no one is looking. Obey in the ordinary. Obedience is it's own reward.
  3. You are an image bearer. You are a walking advertisement for your father. What are you showing the world about him? Resolve to show the world more of your father and less of yourself.

Christy is married to Stephen and a homeschool mom to 4 fantastic boys.  The Brittons worship and serve as covenant members of Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, NC.  She is a justice seeker and orphan advocate at 127 Worldwide.  In her minuscule free time, Christy loves reading (mostly Puritans), writing, hospitality, gospel conversations, good food, traveling to Africa, and discipleship. Team Britton is currently pursuing international adoption from Uganda.You can follow her and Team Britton's journey through life, adoption and ministry here on Instagram!


Jesus is Better


The Challenge Series: Daily Pursuit