The Challenge Series: Daily Pursuit

"Imprint these words of mine on your hearts and minds, bind them as a sign on your hands and let them be a symbol on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking to them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your city gates, so that as long as the heavens are above the earth, your days and those of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your fathers." Deuteronomy 11:18 CSB

I asked our peers, other Christian women, what they thought you as women needed to be challenged on.  Where is today's Christian woman needing encouragement and accountability?  A number of them mentioned that today's Christian is no longer in the word of God, they even said that many of us do not open our Bible outside of Sundays at church if even then.  Do you believe this is truth for your own life?  I can say yes, I have seen many times where I was very inconsistent in opening, reading and knowing the word of God. However, when I am in the word my life looks and feels different.Our tribe here was launched out of a God given desire and call to impart into you that God audaciously loves you, pursues you and desires a relationship with you. When we start pursuing him and the love he has for us, this overflows into everything we do. A heart changed for God is a heart that will change the world. (yes, you can be and should be a world changer)  To know this love we must be in a love relationship with the author and perfecter of our faith, God.  Any relationship requires work, it requires time and presence.  Show me a successful marriage that doesn't need time spent to flourish and I will eat this keyboard!  This is the same for our relationship with our heavenly Father, he wants time with you and you are made to crave him as well.So what does this time with God look like?  It's setting aside intentional time (morning as the sunrises, lunch break in your car or a quiet space, in bed before turning out the lights) for you to meet with God.  I'm not a morning person, but God is making our morning meetings a sweet time. For some people the idea of getting up earlier than they already do is a total turn off, so make it a time that works with your life. Set an alarm, make a plan, and commit to that time.  Then pray. Pray that God will meet you there in that space and pray for an open heart to hear and understand the words he wants you to know. Open your Bible and expect that he will meet you there, because he will.  Ladies, how can we imprint these words and share these words if we don't know what they are?  We must get back to reading God's word and letting it transform us before anything or anyone else. It is a lifeline for us, but we must reach out for it!This Challenge Series is for you. I promise. The word of God and being challenged by the word of God is for everyone.  So, I want it to be easy for you to get in the word. Each week you will get a reading plan that will walk us through 1 John and Ephesians (two of my favorites!).  The verses are short so beyond that, if you want more, I want to encourage you to read through the Psalms each day at your own pace.  Please consider committing the next two months of this Challenge Series to being in the word daily.  After two months, I believe that it will become your favorite part of the day and maybe even a new normal for all of us.Learning to be knowers and doers of God's word. That's our focus here in this series, join myself and some really neat women as we challenge you over the next sixty days.Daily Pursuit: Your Weekly Challenge1: Set a time, place and plan for intentional time in the word with God. (if you miss a day, there is grace, get back to it tomorrow!!!)2: Ask someone (message me if you need to!) to hold you accountable or join you in accountability to being in the word3: Tell someone about what God is teaching you through his word. Live out the word of God daily through your actions!


The Challenge Series: Proclaim It


Grace and Peace