Connect With God: Under Construction

Read Jeremiah 1:9-10 (God's words to Jeremiah, the prophet)

"Then the Lord reached out his hand, touched my mouth and told me: I have now filled your mouth with my words. See, I have appointed you today over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and demolish to build and plant."

Those words UPROOT, TEAR DOWN, DESTROY and DEMOLISH stood out to me this past weekend as I read those words. God sometimes wrecks us to renew us. There's even a story in the Bible where God allows satan to take everything but Job's life away. His family, his fortune, his livelihood,  his health, his home. I mean you name it and Job lost it. Can you imagine? Or maybe you can. Maybe your life has been hit by a wrecking ball. Maybe it's a wrecking ball of disappointment. Maybe your life is a current construction site, maybe this is the case for all of us.  But God doesn't end with those words does he? Read on. He then says "to build and plant". Friend, if you are "under construction" right now and feeling a bit demolished, take heart because there will be a rebuild. It may be on this side of heaven for most of us, but our guarantee in Jesus is that for sure it going to happen at the gates of eternity! He will rebuild and plant.Connect with God: Pray that God will give you the strength to endure the trial or wrecking ball that you are facing. Ask for presepective and hope for the rebuilding to come. Take time to thank him for the ability to serve him in trials and that he never, EVER, leaves you. Take this moment to breathe in his truth, grace and promises. God always keeps his promise.


Connect With God: Return & Remove


Getting Rooted in 2018