Connect With God: Return & Remove

Read Jeremiah 4: 1-2

If you return, Israel- this is the Lord's declaration- you will return to me, if you remove your idols from my presence and do not waver, then you can swear, "As the Lord lives," in truth, in justice, and in righteousness, then the nations will be blessed by him and will pride themselves in him.

Return. Remove. Don't waver. Sounds simple right? Yet sometimes, so hard!My children, bless their hearts, they are always coming in and out of stages of direct disobedience. Each time, testing the limits and boundaries (and patience) of their parents. The other day my four year old blatantly disobeyed me. He looked at me and choose sin (disobedience) over his momma's wishes. It made me sad for a minute because I thought, he just chose disobedience over me. He chose what felt more fun over his dear old momma, whom he loves and treasures and kisses a million times a day. It baffled me. I asked him why, "Cole, why would you choose this over your momma, who you love so much". He simply told me the other was what he wanted to do, and it was more fun.My little Cole's response is no different than that of us with God. Here in Jeremiah, the prophet Jeremiah, is giving the people a warning. Doom is coming, change your ways. Return. Remove. Don't waver. Yet, they would prefer their sin over their Savior. How about us today? Where do we stand here? Do we prefer our sin over our Savior? If so here's what we can do:Return. Return to God. Confess sin and sit in his presence. He is waiting for you there.Remove. Remove those idols, those stumbling blocks. They will get in the way of your return, they will call you back if you don't remove them.Don't Waiver. Stay strong in your faith. Stay strong against the world that calls you away from God's presence. Commit to being daily in the word. Commit to attending Church and getting plugged into a local body of believers. Join a prayer group or a bible study. We are stronger together.Once we work through that process the Lord says that he will grant us truth, justice, righteousness and blessing. And when I say blessing I don't mean prosperity gospel here friends. Blessings way better and way beyond a big house and a nice car (though those things can be good, so good). I mean things like inner peace, relationship with our Heavenly Father and abundant joy.I'm praying for us as we return, remove and stay strong. We may need to return more than once in this world of distractions but He will be there for you, He always has been awaiting the return of his children and he will be till the day Heaven comes down.Connect With God: Take time this week to reflect on what area of you life needs to be returned to God. Is it your whole life? Is it your finances? Your trust? Your children? Your marriage? Your sex life? Your food consumption? Whatever it is. What needs returning? Take time to repent of the ways you have made these things idols in your life and ask God to forgive you of where you have chosen sin over your Savior. Be renewed in that return friend! God's got this, he can bear these burdens for you all day every day till he calls you home. Take action on a don't waiver plan and tell a friend that can hold you accountable in that. Or tell me and I will be your person! And lastly, make a plan to connect with God daily through prayer and God's word. Return. Remove. Don't waver! Step deeper into a love relationship with you Heavenly Father. For more good words on connection with God, family and community connect with Chrystan on social media today!FacebookInstagramTwitterImperfectly BraveReal Raw RedeemedReal Life Revival


Connect With God: Becoming a Seeker


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