Connect With God: Becoming a Seeker
Read Psalms 105: 4-5
"Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wondrous works he has done, his wonder, and the judgements he has pronounced..."
We are finding ourselves more and more busy. The word we often use for every question:"How was your day?" "Busy""How have you guys been?" "Busy""What have you been up to?" "I've been so busy"Oh heavens, what is it we are all so busy with? Sometimes I can't even say why I feel so busy. Yet here in the new year I have tried to be less busy and more intentional. I want to actually be able to say what in the world I've been so busy doing and my prayer and hope is that this year we will say "I was busy seeking the face of God."Friends, what are we spending all our time seeking? Social Media? The next big thing? A bigger paycheck? The mom of the year award? Pats on the back at church for all the good stuff you are doing? What are we seeking? What's keeping us so busy?Maybe we've forgotten what verse five points out. "Remember the wondrous works he has done, his wonder..." I could just talk about this section for hours. Seeking his face always is also going to include remembering what he has done. If we forget where the Lord has taken us, what mountains he has already moved in our faith journey, if we forget to remember we will forget to pull our strength from him. We will try to pull from our own strength and our own selves and maybe it will be a pursuit in vain. Because when we pull from our own selves our pride gets in the way and our faith falls short. It is then that we become busy striving at all the things, instead of striving after THE thing. The face of God.Let us not dare to imagine a day without seeking the face of God. Without pursuing his strength. Without turning to him and offering all the faith we have, asking him to move the impassable mountain in front of us. His strength is more than I could ever muster on my strongest day and ya'll he's been in strength and conditioning training for a long time.Seek. Always. Remember. His Wonder.Go seek the face of God.Connect With God: Evaluate your week. What are you spending your time on? What keeps you busy? Maybe even keep a time journal. Account for every minute spent, what is reflected in your time? Let your time tell you what you are busy doing and let God tell you where you can do better. Not me. Not your spouse. Not your bestie. What does God tell you about what you are seeking with your days. If an adjustment needs to be made, make it. Pray that God will help you align your time with him. For me, that means less scrolling time and more time pouring into my family. It also means intentional (set aside) time in the word. My prayer for all of us is that making this time of seeking God's face and connecting with him, will help us connect to our tribes better too! Happy Seeking Week my friends!If this post resonates with you, share it out to your friends! Join me on this journey to connecting by subscribing! I'd love to hear from you, comment below or send me an email