Connect With God: Work as Worship
Read Colossians 3:23-24
"Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord. you serve the Lord Christ."
Saturday mornings in my childhood were maybe not like Saturday mornings at your house, or maybe they were. Saturdays at the Fuller house were mostly hard work days. You see I grew up in a 100-year-old house off of Meredith Drive, there was always work to be done on Meredith drive. I specifically and forever will remember the day we laid sod. Just us four kids and our two parents and a truck full of rolled up sod. Never had there been another day in my childhood where I was so dirty, so tired and hated grass so much.Let's just get real, I'm not a big fan of hard work unless it's my idea. But here's the catch for us, work is worship. The work of our hands is worship to God. It is reflective of our awesome creator. Just as completing a huge project at work and doing. great job at it is likely reflective of your company, so is the project of you a reflection of your creator.Right before the section of Colossians we just read the author makes a statement:"Don't work only while being watched, as people-pleasers, but work wholeheartedly, fearing the Lord."I love my work as a writer, teacher and worship leader. That is some of my favorite kind of work because I know it is worship. I really hate the work I have to do around the house. The other day I spent a lot of time sanding paint off of walls, you can imagine how much I loved that job. God is showing me now, that all of my work can be done as worship. That he is honored in the work that I do with his gospel in mind. Folding the laundry (and putting it away) can be worship as I am serving my family. Sanding walls, to honor my husband and his hard work in our home, can be worship. Even if it's not my favorite thing, it's part of my call as a daughter of the King to reflect him well during my time on Earth. So today while I'm using my talents to write, I will worship. Tonight while I'm doing the dishes, I will worship.All my work is worship.All my work is seen by God.All my work is important.All my work is reflective of my creator and who I am in him.Work and worship can go together like Saturdays and sod. (my Dad will love this analogy)Connect With God: How will you worship in your work today? This week? This month? This year? How will you live that out in your home, in your parenting, in your relationships? Pray that God aligns this for you this week. Pray Psalm 90:17 as you work;"Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us; establish for us the work of our hands- establish the work of our hands!"Let's continue this conversation together this week! What work is God reminding you to use as worship today? Comment below!