When the Call Is Greater

Some of us just play life safe. That is truly the way to go, right? Just skate through life, not turning over any stones, not rubbing anyone the wrong way, not standing up but not sitting down. Just a regular, safe, skim the surface kind of life. What's wrong with that? I believe we have a greater call than that and unfortunate for those of us who live this kind of a lifestyle there are warnings against it...I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.~ Revelation 3:15-16We see many passages in the Bible that cover the lukewarm believer and warns us against that lifestyle. Ya'll this was me just a few short years ago and I battle against it even today. Even today as someone who leads worship, professes faith whenever she can, a teacher, a writer and a speaker of the word. Yes even through all of that I have to rage against complacency and a lukewarm, shallow, skim the surface kind of faith. This I think, is Satan's playground in the derailment of believers. So where is this creeping in?

  1. Staying comfy cozy in our pretty, safe and relaxed Churches
  2. We were never meant to sit in church on Sunday mornings and never be in community. We were never meant to not go out to all the people and show them fierce love. We were never meant to never GO and proclaim all the good things! You aren't meant to just warm a pew once a week. Go do something that increases your faith, that increases the Kingdom of Heaven, that points someone in the direction of our loving Savior.

  3. Not reading the Bible
  4. Beth Moore, oh that sister can truly tell it like it really is. In her sermon at Passion 17 she said all the words. I leave you with this quote:"Your life will be changed when you open the pages of the Bible daily. End of story. Let's commit to reading the word, it's life bringing (here's a Bible reading app I'm crazy about!). Let's not walk away from Jesus to serve him."

  5. Prayer is just something you do at meals
  6. Prayer has changed my life. CHANGED IT! 4 years ago I was part of a prayer group that has now launched into a nationwide movement. Imperfectly Brave, though it is freeing me and calling me out on the waters, has changed me but it's the prayer aspect that changes me daily. It changes my heart, my outlook, it's increasing my faith and has strengthened my bond with other believer's and most importantly my relationship with our heavenly Father. Through prayer I have seen mountains moved and learned to trust God when the mountain stayed in the same place. Prayer will change you, dive in, it will keep you afloat I promise!

  7. Lacking in Faith
  8. If we never GO, we never have to step out in faith. If we never do the hard things, we will always stay in the same place. God calls us out with him, he can still accomplish without us and I believe he does. But the creator of the universe wants you to work alongside him to bring Heaven to Earth. To bring souls into the kingdom of God. Why dear sister would you ever, ever, not take him up on that offer? He is whispering to you telling your heart what to do, are you willing to be faithful to that call, even when it is greater than you can imagine?

  9. Staying un-challenged
  10. When was the last time you did something out of your comfort zone? When was the last time you stood up for something that was right? When was the last time you sacrificed yourself for the glory of God? Self-preaching here ya'll, I play it pretty safe because I like my comfy life in suburbia. Imagine what this year would be like if we all stepped out for the great call. Mind blowing, it would be mind blowing. We would be bursting at the seems with abundant faith and joy! In the same space I want to say, you need to surround yourself with people who will challenge you to live life chasing after Jesus and his call on your life. For some of you that is going to be your challenge this year, it's more than WORTH IT!

Ya'll the call is greater than this comfortable life we are living. This year over at Imperfectly Brave we are studying what calling means in light of the gospel. Do you know what the gospel is? It is the story of the rescue plan God has for us. It started with original sin and went on through the Bible as we were led up to the coming of Jesus, his life his death and his resurrection, to the time when Heaven and Earth are brought back together in the second coming. You guys, in light of the rescue plan. In light of your salvation...how could the call ever be to stay comfortable and safe and unchallenged?As we continue working towards the bettering of ourselves this year, how is God calling you to serve in this one life? What is he challenging you with?

  • Joining a Church
  • Relentlessly loving that unlovable person
  • Going on Mission
  • Staying home with your children
  • Going back to work
  • Answering the call to ministry
  • Giving your life to him
  • Joining a Bible Study

It's not skies the limit, it's heaven's the focus.GO.What is it? What is your greater call right now? Tell me I really want to know so that I can pray for you and check in on you this year!


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