The Challenge Series: Reflect and Return

In the wake of the tragedy in Las Vegas I am closing out our Challenge Series differently than I originally planned.  We've covered so many important topics over the last few months, starting with being daily in the word of God.  Returning to being daily in the word has been more than sweet for me.  It has reminded me who the lover of my soul is and how that plays out in my life.As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we must return to him.  Just as the Israelites were wandering in the dessert we too are wandering in a dry land.  Our dry land is the United States of America. We are a faithless nation putting our trust in idols of man made things and people. We no longer know the the word of God, we no longer uphold the ten commandments, we no longer put our faith and trust in the creator of all the things.  As we have all seen this week in the tragic events of the Las Vegas massacre, our nation and our world is in a current state of evil.Why do I say we must return? Where is it that we went?  Friends we have gone away, far away from 'in God we trust'. We have wandered so far off the beaten path we are maybe not even wandering we are now just plain lost.  Christians, we are supposed to be light in this world. We are supposed to be the literal hands and feet of Jesus.  It is on us to go out and love the people in this world. We are supposed to be upholding God's truth and his commands in our own lives.  This means no idols, no coveting (even in our minds), no using the Lord's name in vain, no adultery (even in our minds), no dishonestly, honoring our parents and keeping a Sabbath.  I have failed on all those accounts.  On top of that we are supposed to be loving our God the most and loving our neighbor more than ourselves.  So when I say we need to return, I mean we need to get back to God.  The justification of our sin not being as bad as that guy that murders sixty innocent people is more than way off.  Commandments are commandments and our world is torn because we aren't keeping up our part of the bargain. We are confusing.These are bold statements you guys, I know I am writing words that make you feel defensive and angry.  Truth is hard but there is hope in love.  In Nehemiah we read of a lost people and the one man who loves his city so much he's willing to risk it all for their return. He is grieved for them, and actually spends time sitting in that grief and praying for them and weeping for them.  He actually spends days in mourning over the disgrace and great trouble his people were in. So I have some tangible, Nehemiah style, steps for us to take as reflectors and returners.Spend time in reflection, mourning and prayer. This means intentional time with God, reflecting on our current state as a nation and as believers. Repent in our mourning and pray for revival in your heart and the hearts of others. Maybe even do some fasting if God calls you to that. In Nehemiah's reflection he comes to God and is reminded of God's truth.

Please remember what you commanded your servant Moses: "If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the peoples. But if you return to me and carefully observe my commands, even though your exiles were banished to the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place where I chose to have my name dell." Nehemiah 1:8-9

So get with God, open his word daily, make this a priority in your life. You will need it to take action!Take action.That's the next step, Nehemiah takes action, he is sent out to do the work of the Lord. And boy oh boy, does Nehemiah get called to some serious work!  (Check out his story in the Bible in the book of Nehemiah!) We are called to be doers of the word, not just hearers.  Nehemiah saw his people in limbo and defeat so he took action in his own heart and took actual action by going where he was called.Get on with it!Don't wait until you can go to where the tragedy is. We can take action right where our own two feet are planted.  I don't live in Houston, Texas nor do I live in Las Vegas, Nevada.  My city is far from those places, yet there is still need here.  In my reflection and returning God has opened my eyes to what I can be doing in my own city to fight injustice and love the least of these.  Our new friend Christy gave us some ideas for action in this piece from The Challenge Series.  Pray about being a believer of action, as Nehemiah was. Now is the time my friends.

Return to me and I will return to you, says the Lord.

Let us not sit idly by and watch our communities suffer in great trouble and disgrace, not on our watch my friends.  Reflect, Return and Respond!Much Love,Chrystan


Getting Around Your Table When: Life is Busy


The Challenge Series: Need It