The Challenge Series: Have Faith
Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen. For by it our ancestors won God's approval. Hebrews 11:1-2
Somewhere in the deep places, we have lost our faith. Our nation has lost it's faith in God. Our world has lost it's faith in God. Our churches have lost their faith in God. Somewhere on the path, we've lost it. Somewhere in the darkness our faith dissipated and we stopped waiting in expectation. Somewhere we stopped praying big prayers. Somewhere you lost your faith. Somehow we need to get it back.It's not that I can put a finger on exactly when, but a while ago I stopped praying big things in confidence of a great BIG God. I have taken God and molded him to fit into my world. Ya'll my world is super small. It's twenty six acres in Missouri, it's family living close by, it's extended family in Texas, it really only spans over a few states, a few country miles and some local streets. Yet in my smallness I take my big God and try to make him fit in only these places, just the way I want him. Thus, I've found myself in a state of little faith saying; "What prayer can I pray today that's safe? How can I fit my REALLY BIG GOD into a few country miles? What is safe for me to pray? What won't hurt too bad? How can I pray so that I get a yes?"Friends, we are called to have great faith. Somewhere along this road of life, many of us, were taught or allowed ourselves to settle on a God that could fit into our brains. Brains that are filled with doubt and fear. Our God is much bigger than that. Remember, this is the God that has already won the battle for the world. He defeated death. Don't you think he could move that mountain for you?If we truly believe the word of God (we are becoming knowers of the word in our daily reading challenge!) then what in the world is holding us back from praying big prayers in faith? And even further still, believing God will answer those faith filled prayers. We must have faith that God can and will move mountains for his people, because if we don't have that faith we are making much of ourselves and very little of our God. Can I also be bold enough to say, who wants to bow down to a God that is only as big as what I think he can do?
Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other. Awesome redeemer, awesome in power our God. - Chris Tomlin
We serve an awesome God! We serve THE awesome God! It's time for us to start living like it, praying like it and loving like it. God can and will move mightily, let him do that in your life from here on out. You gotta have faith. We must have FAITH in our greater God.Have Faith Challenges:
- To have faith you must know what you are putting your faith in (James 1:22). Read the "walk of faith" located in Hebrews 11. This reminds us of A LOT of things God did and those who placed their faith in him. When was the last time, if ever, that you had big faith in a big God? Journal about this today. Remain in God's word daily, this helps us have faith.
- Pray boldly in faith. This week give the mountain of a problem or burden over to your BIG God. He can handle it. Let him work. Release it open handily to him.
- Act! When we give big things over to God he often responds with an ACTION on our part. Be ready and willing to ACT in faith. Think of Noah, think of Moses and Abraham. They had a call to action from God that was big, but sure did pay off in their faithfulness to God.
- (I know, 4 things instead of 3!) Support. We must encourage our tribes to have faith and pursue the God who we have faith in. When someone in praying big bold prayers pray with them and encourage them in that. We should always be championing for others, always.
Join us in our daily reading each week: