Disconnect to Re-Connect
Our world is so loud! SO LOUD! It feels impossible to have silence in any way shape or form. I ended last year feeling full of anxiety, overwhelm and rawness. My nerves were literally shot! Anyone else feeling this way? A season of overwhelm can be brought on or exaggerated by the constant connection we have to all the people and all the things in the form of smartphones and social media. So, I found myself in this exact place and felt led by the spirit to completely unplug. Completely! Instead of running from this prompting I decided to lean into it and spent 48 hours completely unplugged for basically everything. But doesn't it seem like such a necessary evil? Doesn't it almost sound impossible? What if someone needs me? What if I miss out on my sister's cute picture of my nephew? What if someone texts me and I don't respond?SNAP OUT OF IT! Friends, this is not the way to live! We must be able to set these things aside and remember where our true connection comes from. With all the dinging, all the noise, all the needs, all the immediate prompts and things in our face how can we ever gain true connection? We should first be connecting with God and then with our people. Our REAL people, not our screen people. Because of our current need for constant scrolling connection, we often touch our phones before we touch another person. How many times do I roll over and scroll on my phone before I ever tell my husband good morning? I'm really sad to admit often, like every day.This is something we need to break ourselves of. We need to take back what has been stolen from us. We need to unplug to plug in, disconnect to re-connect. God says, come to me first. Let me be your life source. Then he calls us to love others well. Lovelies, we can unplug. You can detox from all this dinging. You can put your phone away for 48 hours. If I can do it, you can do it. Very few people love their phone and media pages more than me (I mean there are a few, they will remain nameless their names start with K's) Anywhoo, we can do this! And I want to help you walk this important step all the way through.I've created a tool for you, to help you create some silence so that you can hear. It's my Media Fast Journal and you can get yours right now FREE if you go HERE. I even threw in a "how to guide" to get you started. I want this for us. I want you to know you CAN unplug and you will be fine. Actually, you will be better for it. You will walk away with clarity and truth, I can almost guarantee it. God will meet you there and he will open your eyes to some things that have been waiting for you on the other side of the disconnect. It's good stuff!Tell your people. Start a disconnect to re-connect challenge in your home, in your small group, in your marriage or maybe just you and Jesus. Girl, you can do it. Also, let me know. Send me a message or an email to let me know that you are taking this disconnect challenge and I will be praying for you and cheering you on. This is good for us and I know you will be blessed.Don't forget we were never meant to live this distant from God and each other. Take back what's been stolen and pug back into the real power source, our good Father.Get connected.